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Wulfram Gerstner

Laboratory of Computational Neuroscience, EPFL, Switzerland


Wednesday 23 January 2008




Seminar Room B10 (Basement)

Alexandra House, 17 Queen Square, London, WC1N 3AR



Phenomenological models of Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity


Experimental evidence over many years has shown that synaptic plasticity depends on the exact timing of the spikes (STDP), but also on membrane potential and firing rates. In this talk I will outline a framework to think about models of spike-timing dependent plasticity as a generalisation of Hebbian learning rules. I will then discuss two different approaches:


I) A minimal model of STDP that takes into account the frequency dependence of STDP.


II) A model derived from an optimality approach postulating maximization of information transmission under soft constraints on the mean firing rate (homeostasis) and weight value (maintenance costs).


The relation of both models to a classical BCM rule will be discussed, and differences highlighted.