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Deep Learning

8 - 10 July 2009

By invitation only

Venue: B10 Seminar Room, Alexandra House, 17 Queen Square, London, WC1N 3AR

Please see map at:

Supported by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation & CIFAR

Programme | Participants |Travel Information



Deep representations of data have been proposed as important and necessary for many machine learning tasks, including visual and linguistic processing, sequential modelling, information retrieval etc. This workshop aims to bring together an interesting selection of people with different perspectives to discuss various issues surrounding the learning of deep representations of data. These include techniques and technologies to learn them, applications in a variety of domains, as well as theoretical issues like the conditions under which one would prefer a deep versus shallow representation, and whether there is evidence for (and the types of) deep learning in the brain.

Organisers: Geoff Hinton, Yee Whye Teh and Rachel Howes
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