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Grid Cells: Formation and Function

30 June - 2 July 2010

By invitation only

Venue: B10 Seminar Room, Alexandra House, 17 Queen Square, London, WC1N 3AR

Please see map

Supported by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation

Programme | Participants |Travel Information




Since their discovery in 2005, grid cells [1;2] have electrified the field studying the neural basis of spatial processing. Grid cells have inspired a wealth of sophisticated experiments and powerful computational models aimed at understanding their provenance and role....

The principal aim of this workshop is to provide an environment for the mutual exchange of 'state of the art' experimental, theoretical, and computational knowledge. We believe this is particularly apposite as the experimental results originating from this field have, to date, been largely descriptive and not theory driven. Conversely, existing theoretical and computational papers have not always been constrained by the latest experimental findings. To this end the workshop will consist of invited talks and chaired discussion sessions covering a range of topics including: mechanisms and models of grid cell formation, grid cells as an efficient spatial coding system in an uncertain world, and the role of grid cells in a memory and navigation system. The speakers span the range of disciplines, from patch clamping and slice physiology, through single unit recording, transgenic manipulation, neuro-anatomy, to computational modelling.


1. Hafting,T., Fyhn,M., Moser,M., & Moser,E.I. Nature 436, 801-806 (2005).

2. Sargolini,F. et al. Science 312, 758-762 (2006).



Organisers: Caswell Barry, Neil Burgess and Rachel Howes
Contact email