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On the relative importance of frequency selectivity, temporal fine structure, and cross-channels correlations in the perception of pitch, speech, and auditory scenes


Christophe Micheyl and Andrew J. Oxenham

Auditory Perception and Cognition Laboratory, Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota, USA


In this talk I will present a selective overview of psychoacoustic findings concerning the importance of auditory frequency selectivity and temporal fine structure in the perception of pitch and speech, and in the perceptual organization of sounds (“auditory scene analysis”). Specifically, I will describe psychoacoustic data, which concur to indicate a crucial role of peripheral (cochlear) frequency selectivity in the separation of concurrent sounds, thus constraining models of auditory scene analysis. In addition, I will argue that recent studies may have over-estimated the role of temporal fine structure (TFS) in the perception of pitch and speech.


Finally, I will underline the importance of taking into account the possible influence of cross-channel correlations, when evaluating the ability of auditory models to predict or explain psychoacoustic data. [Work supported by grants NIH R01 DC 07657 and 05216.]


