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OPTIMAL_STIMULUS computes the optimal stimulus of a quadratic form.


function x = optimal_stimulus(H,f, r, eps),


 OPTIMAL_STIMULUS computes the optimal stimulus of a quadratic form.
   X = OPTIMAL_STIMULUS(H,F, R, EPS) computes the optimal excitatory stimulus
   of the quadratic form 0.5*x'*H*x + f'*x + c, i.e. the input vector X
   that maximizes the quadratic form given a fixed norm R.

   EPS tolerance of norm(X) from R.

   This function can be used to compute the optimal inhibitory stimulus
   by calling it with the negative of the quadratic form -H, -F .

   Reference: Pietro Berkes and Laurenz Wiskott (2005) On the analysis
   and interpretation of quadratic forms as receptive fields.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function x = optimal_stimulus(H,f, r, eps),
0002 % OPTIMAL_STIMULUS computes the optimal stimulus of a quadratic form.
0003 %   X = OPTIMAL_STIMULUS(H,F, R, EPS) computes the optimal excitatory stimulus
0004 %   of the quadratic form 0.5*x'*H*x + f'*x + c, i.e. the input vector X
0005 %   that maximizes the quadratic form given a fixed norm R.
0006 %
0007 %   EPS tolerance of norm(X) from R.
0008 %
0009 %   This function can be used to compute the optimal inhibitory stimulus
0010 %   by calling it with the negative of the quadratic form -H, -F .
0011 %
0012 %   Reference: Pietro Berkes and Laurenz Wiskott (2005) On the analysis
0013 %   and interpretation of quadratic forms as receptive fields.
0015   % input dimension
0016   dim = size(H,1);
0018   % compute the eigenvalues mu and eigenvectors V
0019   [V,D] = eig(H);
0020   mu = diag(D)';
0021   % compute the coefficients of the eigenvectors decomposition of f
0022   alpha = V'*f;
0024   % compute the range of the parameter lambda
0025   %  left bound for lambda
0026   %   added 'real' to avoid numerical problems if you maximize a
0027   %   ill-conditioned quadraitc form
0028   lambda_left = max(real(mu));
0029   % right bound for lambda
0030   lambda_right = norm(f)/r + lambda_left;
0032   % search by bisection until norm(x)^2 = r^2
0033   r_2 = r^2;
0034   % norm_x_2 holds the value of norm(x)^2 at the current lambda
0035   norm_x_2 = 0;
0036   while abs(sqrt(norm_x_2)-r) > eps,
0037     % bisect the lambda interval
0038     lambda = (lambda_right-lambda_left)/2 + lambda_left;
0039     % compute the eigenvalues of (lambda*Id - H)^-1
0040     beta = (lambda-mu).^(-1);
0042     % compute norm(x)^2 at lambda
0043     norm_x_2 = sum(beta'.^2.*alpha.^2);
0045     % update the interval limits
0046     if norm_x_2 > r_2,
0047       lambda_left = lambda;
0048     else
0049       lambda_right = lambda;
0050     end
0051   end
0053   % lambda found, compute the solution
0054   x = sum(repmat(beta,dim,1).*V.*repmat(alpha',dim,1),2);

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