Home > slowness_model > show_optimal.m



SHOW_OPTIMAL shows the optimal excitatory stimuli of an SFA object.


function show_optimal(hdl, nrm, tol, varargin),


 SHOW_OPTIMAL shows the optimal excitatory stimuli of an SFA object.

 SHOW_OPTIMAL(HDL, NRM, TOL) Show the optimal excitatory stimuli of SFA
   object HDL, under a fixed norm constraint. The fixed norm is specified
   by NRM. TOL gives the maximal norm difference tollerated by the
   maximization algorithm.

   Optional arguments can be specified by appending
   'ArgumentName',ArgumentValue pairs to the argument list
   (e.g. SHOW_OPTIMAL(HDL,NRM,TOL,'start',5,'show_xm',1) ).

   Possible optional arguments:
   'show_xm' (default:0) if set to 1 shows the optimal inhibitory stimuli

   'h' (default:16) height of the input patch
   'w' (default:16) width of the input patch

   'sh' (default:7)
   'sw' (default:7) the optimal stimuli are displayed on a SH times SW

   'start' (default:1) the first unit to consider


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function show_optimal(hdl, nrm, tol, varargin),
0002 % SHOW_OPTIMAL shows the optimal excitatory stimuli of an SFA object.
0003 %
0004 % SHOW_OPTIMAL(HDL, NRM, TOL) Show the optimal excitatory stimuli of SFA
0005 %   object HDL, under a fixed norm constraint. The fixed norm is specified
0006 %   by NRM. TOL gives the maximal norm difference tollerated by the
0007 %   maximization algorithm.
0008 %
0009 %   Optional arguments can be specified by appending
0010 %   'ArgumentName',ArgumentValue pairs to the argument list
0011 %   (e.g. SHOW_OPTIMAL(HDL,NRM,TOL,'start',5,'show_xm',1) ).
0012 %
0013 %   Possible optional arguments:
0014 %   'show_xm' (default:0) if set to 1 shows the optimal inhibitory stimuli
0015 %
0016 %   'h' (default:16) height of the input patch
0017 %   'w' (default:16) width of the input patch
0018 %
0019 %   'sh' (default:7)
0020 %   'sw' (default:7) the optimal stimuli are displayed on a SH times SW
0021 %                    grid
0022 %
0023 %   'start' (default:1) the first unit to consider
0026   %%%% default values
0028   % set to 1 if you want to see the optimal inhibitory stimuli
0029   ctxt.show_xm = 0;
0031   % input patch height and width
0032   ctxt.h = 16; ctxt.w = 16;
0034   % number of optimal stimuli to display (vertically and horizontally)
0035   ctxt.sh = 7; ctxt.sw = 7;
0036   % first unit to consider
0037   ctxt.start = 1;
0038   % default window position
0039   ctxt.Position = [360 372 597 562]; % NxN
0041   % overwrite with user-defined list of settings
0042   for k = 1:2:length(varargin);
0043     % error check: the optional arguments must be defined as name-value pairs
0044     if ~ischar(varargin{k}),
0045       error 'Setting names must be strings';
0046     end
0047     % set variable value
0048     ctxt=setfield(ctxt,varargin{k},varargin{k+1});
0049   end
0051   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0053   % range of units to consider
0054   range = ctxt.start:(ctxt.start+ctxt.sh*ctxt.sw-1);
0056   % copy some useful quantities
0057   global SFA_STRUCTS
0058   avg = SFA_STRUCTS{hdl}.avg0;
0059   DW = SFA_STRUCTS{hdl}.DW0;
0060   D = SFA_STRUCTS{hdl}.D0;
0061   PCinv = DW*diag(D.^(-0.5));
0063   % set the figure up
0064   clf; colormap(gray);
0065   set(gcf, 'Position', ctxt.Position);
0067   % subplot counter
0068   k=1;
0069   % loop over all subunits
0070   for i=range,
0071     % get the quadratic form corresponding to the current subunit in the
0072     % principal components space (much faster then in the input space).
0073     % ! technical detail: this is equivalent to finding the optimal
0074     % stimuli in the input _meanfree_ space.
0075     % This is similar to physiological experiments where the optimal stimuli
0076     % are defined as intensity changes with respect to a constant mean
0077     % luminance (and thus have negative and positive intensity values).
0078     [H,f,c] = sfa_getHf(hdl, i, 1);
0080     % get the maximum and the minimum of the quadratic form
0081     xp = maximize_qform(H,f, [], nrm, tol);
0082     vp = 0.5*xp'*H*xp + f'*xp + c;
0083     xm = maximize_qform(-H,-f, [], nrm, tol);
0084     vm = 0.5*xm'*H*xm + f'*xm + c;
0086     % xp has the largest value (or xm if show_xm==1)
0087     if abs(vm)>vp & ~ctxt.show_xm,
0088       tmp = xp; xp = xm; xm = tmp;
0089     end;
0091     % project xp back to the input space
0092     xp = PCinv*xp;
0093     xm = PCinv*xm;
0095     % plot
0096     subplot(ctxt.sh,ctxt.sw,k);
0097     imagesc(reshape(xp, ctxt.h, ctxt.w));
0098     axis off; axis image; drawnow,
0100     % increase the subplot counter
0101     k = k+1;
0102   end
0105 function x = maximize_qform(H,f, x0, nrm, tol),
0106 % maximize the quadratic form 1/2*x'*H*x + f'*x + c
0108   % center the quadratic form around x0
0109   if ~isempty(x0),
0110     f = H*x0+f;
0111     %c = 0.5*x0'*H*x0 + f'*x0 + c;
0112   end
0114   % input dimension
0115   dim = size(H,1);
0116   % norm of f
0117   nrm_f = norm(f);
0119   % get eigenvalues and eigenvectors
0120   [V,D] = eig(H);
0122   mu = diag(D)';
0123   % coefficients of the eigenvectors decomposition of f
0124   alpha = V'*f;
0125   % v_i = alpha_i * v_i
0126   V=V.*repmat(alpha',dim,1);
0128   % left bound for lambda
0129   % added 'real' to avoid numerical problems if you maximize in input space
0130   ll = max(real(mu));
0131   % right bound for lambda
0132   lr = norm(f)/nrm + ll;
0134   % search by bisection until norm(x)^2 = nrm^2
0135   nrm_2 = nrm^2;
0136   norm_x_2 = 0;
0137   while abs(norm_x_2-nrm_2)>tol,
0138     % bisection of the lambda-interval
0139     lambda=(lr-ll)/2+ll;
0140     % eigenvalues of (lambda*Id - H)^-1
0141     beta = (lambda-mu).^(-1);
0143     % solution to the second lagragian equation
0144     norm_x_2 = sum(alpha.^2.*beta'.^2);
0146     %[ll,lr]
0147     if norm_x_2>nrm_2, ll=lambda;
0148     else lr=lambda; end
0149     %[ll, lr, norm_x_2]
0150     %pause(1)
0151   end
0153   x = sum(V.*repmat(beta,dim,1),2);
0155   if ~isempty(x0),
0156     x=x+x0;
0157   end

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