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SIMULATION performs a simulation


function hdl = simulation(input_dim, imgs, varargin),


 SIMULATION performs a simulation

 HDL = SIMULATION(INPUT_DIM, IMGS) Perform a simulation. The input
   dimensionality is reduced to INPUT_DIM dimensions. IMGS is a cell array
   of filenames of images, from which the image sequences are created. The
   function returns the handle HDL to the SFA object of the resulting
   slowly-varying functions.

   Optional arguments can be specified by appending
   'ArgumentName',ArgumentValue pairs to the argument list
   (e.g. SIMULATION(INPUT_DIM,IMGS,'nsequences',1000,'nframes',50).

   Possible optional arguments:
   'output_dim' (default:200) number of slowly varying functions to

   'h' (default:16) height of the input patch
   'w' (default:16) width of the input patch

   'nsequences' (default:2500) total number of sequences to create
   'nframes' (default:100) number of frames in each sequence (warning:
     a change to the number of frames also changes the statistics of the
     transformations. If you want to compare simulations with different
     transformation parameters, make sure that nframes stays constant).

   'tr_range' (default:75)
   'zm_range' (default:[0.3,2])
   'tr','rt','zm' (default:4,8,8) parameters of translation, rotation,
     and zoom. See IMGSEQUENCE for a description.

   'verbose' (default:1) if 1, some text messages are displayed during
     the simulation and the loaded images are plotted in a window.
   'msginterval' (defalut:50), if VERBOSE==1, print a message every
     MSGINTERVAL sequences

   See also: IMGSEQUENCE


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function hdl = simulation(input_dim, imgs, varargin),
0002 % SIMULATION performs a simulation
0003 %
0004 % HDL = SIMULATION(INPUT_DIM, IMGS) Perform a simulation. The input
0005 %   dimensionality is reduced to INPUT_DIM dimensions. IMGS is a cell array
0006 %   of filenames of images, from which the image sequences are created. The
0007 %   function returns the handle HDL to the SFA object of the resulting
0008 %   slowly-varying functions.
0009 %
0010 %   Optional arguments can be specified by appending
0011 %   'ArgumentName',ArgumentValue pairs to the argument list
0012 %   (e.g. SIMULATION(INPUT_DIM,IMGS,'nsequences',1000,'nframes',50).
0013 %
0014 %   Possible optional arguments:
0015 %   'output_dim' (default:200) number of slowly varying functions to
0016 %                              compute
0017 %
0018 %   'h' (default:16) height of the input patch
0019 %   'w' (default:16) width of the input patch
0020 %
0021 %   'nsequences' (default:2500) total number of sequences to create
0022 %   'nframes' (default:100) number of frames in each sequence (warning:
0023 %     a change to the number of frames also changes the statistics of the
0024 %     transformations. If you want to compare simulations with different
0025 %     transformation parameters, make sure that nframes stays constant).
0026 %
0027 %   'tr_range' (default:75)
0028 %   'zm_range' (default:[0.3,2])
0029 %   'tr','rt','zm' (default:4,8,8) parameters of translation, rotation,
0030 %     and zoom. See IMGSEQUENCE for a description.
0031 %
0032 %   'verbose' (default:1) if 1, some text messages are displayed during
0033 %     the simulation and the loaded images are plotted in a window.
0034 %   'msginterval' (defalut:50), if VERBOSE==1, print a message every
0035 %     MSGINTERVAL sequences
0036 %
0037 %   See also: IMGSEQUENCE
0039   %%%% default values
0041   % number of slowly varying functions to keep
0042   ctxt.output_dim = min(200, xp_dim(input_dim));
0044   % input patch height and width
0045   ctxt.h = 16; ctxt.w = 16;
0046   % number of sequences, number of frames for each sequence
0047   ctxt.nsequences = 2500; ctxt.nframes=100;
0049   % translation range
0050   ctxt.tr_range = 75;
0051   % zoom range
0052   ctxt.zm_range = [0.3,2];
0053   % xsequences parameters for translation, rotation and zoom
0054   ctxt.tr = 4; ctxt.rt = 8; ctxt.zm = 8;
0056   % preprocessing method
0057   ctxt.preprocessing = 'PCA';
0059   % set verbose to zero to disable the messages
0060   ctxt.verbose = 1;
0061   % print a message every msginterval sequences
0062   ctxt.msginterval = 50;
0064   % overwrite with user-defined list of settings
0065   for k = 1:2:length(varargin),
0066     % error check: the optional arguments must be defined as name-value pairs
0067     if ~ischar(varargin{k}),
0068       error 'Setting names must be strings';
0069     end
0070     % set variable value
0071     ctxt=setfield(ctxt,varargin{k},varargin{k+1});
0072   end
0074   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0076   % number of images
0077   nimgs = length(imgs);
0078   % number of sequences per image
0079   nnextimg = fix(ctxt.nsequences/nimgs)+1;
0081   % create an SFA2 object
0082   if ctxt.verbose, fprintf('create a new SFA object\n'); end
0083   hdl = sfa2_create(input_dim, ctxt.output_dim, ctxt.preprocessing);
0085   % loop over the two SFA steps
0086   for step_name = {'preprocessing', 'expansion'},
0087     % loop over all sequences
0088     for i=1:ctxt.nsequences,
0089       % load a new image every nnextimg sequences
0090       if ~(mod(i,nnextimg)-1),
0091     imgnr = fix(i/nnextimg)+1;
0092     if ctxt.verbose, fprintf('loading image %s\n', imgs{imgnr}); end
0093     img = imread(imgs{imgnr});
0094     % make sure that the images are made up of double numbers and
0095         % rescale them between 0 and 1
0096     img = double(img)/255.0;
0098     if ctxt.verbose,
0099       clf; imagesc(img); axis off; axis image; colormap(gray); drawnow;
0100     end
0101       end
0103       % print a message every msginterval sequences
0104       if ~mod(i,ctxt.msginterval) & ctxt.verbose,
0105     fprintf('sequence #%d\n',i);
0106       end
0108       % create a new image sequence
0109       DATA = imgsequence(img, ctxt.h, ctxt.w, ctxt.nframes, ctxt.tr_range, ...
0110              ctxt.tr,ctxt.rt, ctxt.zm_range, ctxt.zm);
0112       % update the SFA object
0113       sfa_step(hdl, DATA, step_name{1});
0114     end
0115   end
0117   % close the SFA algorithm
0118   if ctxt.verbose, fprintf('close the SFA algorithm\n'); end
0119   sfa_step(hdl,[],'sfa');

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