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On the analysis and interpretation of inhomogeneous quadratic forms as receptive fields - Additional Material

This page contains additional material to the paper

Berkes, P. and Wiskott, L. (2006).
On the analysis and interpretation of inhomogeneous quadratic forms as receptive fields.
Neural Computation, 18:8, 1868-1895.
(abstract, NC issue)

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For further information please refer to the cited paper or mail to berkes_AT_gatsby_DOT_ucl_DOT_ac_DOT_uk

Invariance movies

The following table shows the animations corresponding to the plots of Figure 6.
Phase shift invariance
(Figure 6a)

Phase shift invariance
Position change invariance
(Figure 6b)

Phase shift invariance
Size change invariance
(Figure 6c)

Phase shift invariance
Frequency change invariance
(Figure 6d)

Phase shift invariance
Orientation change invariance
(Figure 6e)

Phase shift invariance
Curvature change invariance
(Figure 6f)

Phase shift invariance

If your browser fails to show looping animations, please reload the page or open the images one by one (e.g. in "Netscape" right-click and select "View Image")

quadratic forms project index page