Katherine Heller

I have moved to Duke University! Visit my new website here.

I am currently an NSF Postdoctoral Fellow in the Computational Cognitive Science group at MIT. I was previously an EPSRC Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Cambridge, and received my Ph.D from the Gatsby Unit on a UCL Graduate Research Scholarship. My Ph.D. advisor was Zoubin Ghahramani.

My research interests lie in the fields of machine learning and Bayesian statistics. Specifically, I develop new methods and models to discover latent structure in data, including cluster structure, using Bayesian nonparametrics, hierarchical Bayes, techniques for Bayesian model comparison, and other Bayesian statistical methods. I also leverage computer science algorithms and ideas to perform inference efficiently.

I apply these methods to problems in cognitive science, where I strive to model human behavior, including human categorization, and human social interactions in online environments. I have also applied methods that I have developed to some problems in computational biology, information retrieval, computer security and computer vision.


I am serving as a probabilistic models and methods area chair for NIPS 2011.

I have been awarded an NSF postdoctoral fellowship on "Bayesian Models of Social Behavior using Online Resources"!

Curriculum Vitae

My CV is in pdf format.



A website about the trip to Egypt that I took in 2006.

Contact Info

Katherine Heller
Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139

Email: kheller (a-t) mit.edu

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