CNS*2000 Workshop Announcement
July 19 and 20, 2000
Brugge, Belgium

Workshops focusing on current issues in computational neuroscience will be held on July 19 and 20, 2000, as part of the CNS*2000 conference in Brugge, Belgium. Potential organizers are invited to submit proposals for specific workshop topics.

Workshops may fall into one of three formats:

  1. Discussion Workshops (formal or informal).
  2. Tutorials.
  3. Mini-symposia
  4. Combining more than one format is also allowed.

The goal of the workshops is to provide an informal forum within the CNS meeting for focused discussion of recent or speculative research, novel techniques, and open issues in computational neuroscience. Discussion workshops, whether formal (i.e., held in a conference room with projection and writing media) or informal (held elsewhere), should stress interactive and open discussions in preference to sequential presentations. Tutorials and mini-symposia provide a format for a focused exploration of particular issues or techniques within a more traditional presentation framework; in these cases too, adequate time should be reserved for questions and general discussion. The organizers of a workshop should endeavour to bring together as broad a range of pertinent viewpoints as possible.

In addition to recruiting participants and moderating discussion, workshop organizers should be prepared to submit a short report, summarizing the presentations and discussion, to the workshop coordinator shortly after the conference. These reports will be included on the CNS*2000 web site.

How to propose a workshop

To propose a workshop, please submit the following information to the workshop coordinator at the address below

  • (1) the name(s) of the organizer(s)
  • (2) the title of the workshop
  • (3) a description of the subject matter, indicating clearly the range of topics to be discussed
  • (4) the format(s) of the workshop; if a discussion session, please specify whether you would like it to be held in a conference room or in a less formal setting
  • (5) for tutorials and mini-symposia, a provisional list of speakers
  • (6) whether the workshop is to run for one or two days

    Please submit proposals as early as possible by email to:

    The descriptions of accepted workshops will appear on the CNS*2000 web site as they are received. Attendees are encouraged to check this list, and to contact the organizers of any workshops in which they are interested in participating.

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