Below we provide source code implementing the extended Projection Pursuit Regression (ePPR) algorithm and simulated data to test its functionality. The simulated data are the natural images and responses with the reference noise level used in Rapela et al. 10. The code runs on R, an environment for statistical computing and graphics. To test ePPR, follow the next steps.


  1. Download R from
    1. Click on the "Download, Packages CRAN" link on the left navigator panel.
    2. Select the mirror closer to you.
    3. Select you operating system (Linux, Mac, Windows),
    4. Select the subdirectory "base".
    5. Click on the "Download R" link.
  2. Install R. The installation is extremely easy, but if necessary check the installation instructions.
  3. Download source code for ePPR (save this file in a working directory with the name ePPRFunctions.R).
  4. Download the simulated data --images (94 M) plus responses-- and driver script. Save these files in the working directory with the names xNatural.dat, yMFR0.56MIF4.26.dat, and doDemo.R, respectively.
  5. Run R from the working directory.
  6. Finally in the command window of R, type:
  7. source("doDemo.R")
Some remarks: