Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit
Alexandra House, 17 Queen Square, LONDON, WC1N 3AR, UK, Tel: +44 (0) 20 7679 1176, Fax +44 (0) 20 7679 1173,


Selected Bibliography

|Index|Objective|Attendees|Programme|References|Travel information|Accommodation|

Aramakis, V.B. and Metherate, R. (1998)
Nicotine selectively enhances NMDA receptor-mediated synaptic transmission during postnatal development in sensory neocortex.
Journal of Neuroscience 18:8485-8495. PDF


Aramakis, V.B., Hsieh, C.Y., Leslie, F.M. and Metherate, R. (2000)
A critical period for nicotine-induced disruption of synaptic development in rat auditory cortex.
Journal of Neuroscience 20:6106-6116. PDF

Arnold, H.M., Burk, J.A., Hodgson, E., Sarter, M., & Bruno, J.P. (2002)
Differential increases in cortical acetylcholine release in rats performing a sustained attention task versus behavioral control tasks that do not explicitly tax attention.
Neuroscience, 114, 451-460. PDF

Arnold, H.M., Nelson, C.L., Sarter, M., & Bruno, J.P. (2003)
Sensitization of cortical acetylcholine release by repeated administration of nicotine.
Psychopharmacology, 165, 436-358. PDF

Aston-Jones G, Rajkowski J, Cohen J (2000)
Locus coeruleus and regulation of behavioral flexibility and attention.
Prog Brain Res 126:165-182.

Aston-Jones G, Rajkowski J, Kubiak P (1997)
Conditioned responses of monkey locus coeruleus neurons anticipate acquisition of discriminative behavior in a vigilance task.
Neuroscience 80:697-715.

Aston-Jones G, Rajkowski J, Kubiak P, Alexinsky T (1994)
Locus coeruleus neurons in the monkey are selectively activated by attended stimuli in a vigilance task.
J Neurosci 14:4467-4480.

Atri, A., Sherman, S.J., Norman, K.A., Kirchhoff, B.A., Nicolas, M.M., Greicius, M.D., Cramer, S.C., Breiter, H.C., Hasselmo, M.E., Stern, C.E. (2003)
Blockade of central cholinergic receptors impairs new learning and increases proactive interference in a word paired-associate memory task.
Behavioral Neurosci.  In press.

Baxter, M. G. and Murg, S. L.  (2002)
The basal forebrain cholinergic system and memory: Beware of dogma. 
In: L. R. Squire and D. L. Schacter (Eds.), Neuropsychology of Memory (3rd edition), pp. 425-436. 
New York: Guilford Press.

Bentley,P., Vuilleumier,P., Thiel,C.M., Driver,J., and Dolan,R.J. (2003)
Cholinergic enhancement modulates neural correlates of selective attention and emotional processing.
Neuroimage. 20, 58-70.

Bentley,P., Vuilleumier,P., Thiel,C.M., Driver,J., and Dolan,R.J. (2003)
Effects of attention and emotion on repetition priming and their modulation by cholinergic enhancement.
J.Neurophysiol. 90, 1171-1181.

Berntson, G.G., Sarter, M. & Cacioppo, J.T. (2003)
Ascending visceral regulation of cortical affective information processing.
European Journal of Neurosience, 18, 2103-2109. PDF

Berntson, G.G., Shafi, R., & Sarter, M. (2002)
Specific contributions of the basal forebrain corticopetal cholinergic system to electroencephalographic activity and sleep/waking behavior.
European Journal of Neuroscience, 16, 2453-2461. PDF

Berntson, G.G., Shafi, R., Knox, D. & Sarter, M. (2003)
Blockade of epinephrine priming of the cerebral auditory evoked response by cortical cholinergic deafferentation.
Neuroscience, 116, 179-186. PDF

Birrell J, Brown V (2000)
Medial frontal cortex mediates perceptual attentional set shifting in the rat.
The Journal of Neuroscience 20:4320-4324.  PDF

Brown VJ, Bowman EM (2002)
Rodent models of prefrontal cortical function.
Trends in Neurosciences 25 (7): 340-343. PDF

Burk, J.A., & Sarter, M. (2001)
Dissociation between the attentional functions mediated via basal forebrain cholinergic and GABAergic neurons.
105, 899-909. PDF

Burk, J.A., Herzog, C.D., Porter, C., & Sarter, M. (2002)
Interactions between aging and cortical cholinergic deafferentation on attention.
Neurobiology of Aging,
23, 467-477. PDF

Clayton E, Rajkowski J, Cohen JD, Aston-Jones G (2003)
Decision-related activation of monkey locus coeruleus neurons in a forced choice task.
Soc Neurosci Abstr 29:722.727.

Collins, P., Roberts, A.C., Dias, R., Everitt, B.J., and Robbins, T.W.  (1998)
Perseveration and strategy in a novel spatial self-ordered sequencing task for non-human primates: effects of excitotoxic lesions and dopamine depletions of the prefrontal cortex. 
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience,10, 332-354.

Collins, P., Wilkinson, L.S., Everitt, B.J., Robbins, T.W., and Roberts, A.C. (2000)
The effect of dopamine depletion from the caudate nucleus of the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus) on tests of prefrontal cognitive function.
Behavioral Neuroscience, 114, 3-17.

Cools R., Stefanova E, Barker R, Robbins TW, Owen AM (2002)
Dopaminergic modulation of high level cognition in Parkinson’s disease: the role of prefrontal cortex by PET.
Brain, 125, 584-594

Coull, J. & Thiel, C. (2003)
Functional Imaging of Cognitive Psychopharmacology. In: Human Brain Function 2nd edition. RSJ Frackowiak, K.J. Friston, C.D. Frith, R.J. Dolan, C. Price, S.Zeki, J. Ashburner, W.Penny.
Elsevier; p:303-327.

Crofts HS, Dalley JW, Collins P, Van Denderen JCM, Everitt BJ, Robbins TW, Roberts AC (2001)
Differential effects of 6-OHDA lesions of the prefrontal cortex and caudate nucleus on the ability to acquire an attentional set.
Cerebral Cortex, 11 , 1015-1026.

Dalley JW, McGaughy J, O’Connell MT, Cardinal RN, Levita L and Robbins TW (2001)
Distinct changes in cortical acetylcholine and noradrenaline efflux during contingent and noncontingent performance of a visual attentional task.
J Neuroscience 21(13): 4908-4914.

Dalley JW, Theobald DE, Bouger P, Chudasama Y, Cardinal RN, Robbins TW (2004)
Cortical cholinergic function and deficits in visual attentional performance in rats following 192 IgG-saporin-induced lesions of the medial prefrontal cortex.
Cerebral Cortex (in press).

Dalley JW, Theobald DE, Eagle DM, Passetti F and Robbins TW (2002)
Deficits in impulse control associated with tonically elevated serotonergic function in the rat medial prefrontal cortex.
Neuropsychopharmacology 26(6): 716-728.

Dayan, P & Yu, A.J. (2002)
ACh, Uncertainty, and Cortical Inference 
In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 14, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. PDF

Egorov, A.V., Hamam, B.N., Fransen, E., Hasselmo, M.E., Alonso, A.A. (2002)
Graded persistent activity in entorhinal cortex neurons. 
Nature 420(6912):173-8.

Fadel, J., Sarter, M., & Bruno, J.P. (2001)
Basal forebrain glutamatergic modulation of cortical
acetylcholine release.
Synapse, 39, 201-212. PDF

Fransen, E, Alonso, AA and Hasselmo, ME (2002)
Simulations of the role of the muscarinic-activated calcium-sensitive non-specific cation current I(NCM) in entorhinal neuronal activity during delayed matching tasks.
J.Neurosci. 22(3):1081-1097. PDF

Fransen, E., Alonso, A.A. and Hasselmo, M.E. (2002)
Simulations of the role of the muscarinic-activated calcium-sensitive non-specific cation current I(NCM) in entorhinal neuronal activity during delayed matching tasks.
J. Neurosci. 22(3):1081-1097.

Furey,M.L., Pietrini,P., and Haxby,J.V. (2000)
Cholinergic enhancement and increased selectivity of perceptual processing during working memory.
Science 290, 2315-2319.

Granon, S., Passetti, F., Thomas, K.L., Dalley, J.W., Everitt, B.J., and Robbins T.W.  (2000)
Enhanced and impaired attentional performance after infusion of D1 dopaminergic receptor agents into rat prefrontal cortex.
The Journal of Neuroscience, 20, 1208-1215.

Harley, C.W., Lalies, M.D., and D.J. Nutt (1996)
Estimating the synaptic concentration of norepinephrine in dentate gyrus which produces
β-receptor mediated long-lasting potentiation in vivo using microdialysis and intracerebroventricular norepinephrine.
Brain Research 710: 293-298.

Hasselmo M.E. and Bower J.M.  (1993)
Acetylcholine and memory. 
Trends Neurosci.  16(6): 218-222.

Hasselmo, M.E. (1999)
Neuromodulation: Acetylcholine and memory consolidation. 
Trends in Cognitive Sciences 3: 351-359. PDF

Hasselmo, M.E. and Barkai, E. (1995)
Cholinergic modulation of activity-dependent synaptic plasticity in rat piriform cortex. 
J. Neurosci. 15(10): 6592-6604.

Hasselmo, M.E. and McGaughy, J. (2003)
High acetylcholine levels set circuit dynamics for attention and encoding and low acetylcholine levels set dynamics for consolidation.
Progress in Brain Research 145: 207­231.

Hasselmo, M.E. and McGaughy, J. (2003)
High acetylcholine levels set circuit dynamics for attention and encoding and low acetylcholine levels set dynamics for consolidation.
Progress in Brain Research 145: 207­231.

Hasselmo, M.E. and Schnell, E.  (1994)
Laminar selectivity of the cholinergic suppression of synaptic transmission in rat hippocampal region CA1: computational modeling and brain slice physiology. 
J. Neurosci. 14(6): 3898-3914.

Hasselmo,M.E. and Cekic,M. (1996)
Suppression of synaptic transmission may allow combination of associative feedback and self-organizing feedforward connections in the neocortex.
Behav.Brain Res. 79, 153-161.

Herzog, C.D., Nowak, K.A., Sarter, M., & Bruno, J.P. (2003)
Microdialysis without acetylcholinesterase inhibition reveals an age-related attenuation in stimulated cortical acetylcholine release.
Neurobiology of Aging, 24, 861-863. PDF

Himmelheber, A.M., Sarter, M., & Bruno, J.P. (2001)
The effects of manipulations of attentional demand on cortical acetylcholine release.
Cognitive Brain Research,
12, 353-370. PDF

Janisiewicz, A. M. and Baxter, M. G.  (2003)
Transfer effects and conditional learning in rats with selective lesions of medial septal/diagonal band cholinergic neurons. 
Behavioral Neuroscience, 117, 1342-1352. PDF


Janisiewicz, A. M., Jackson, O., III, Firoz, E. F., and Baxter, M. G.
Environment-spatial conditional learning in rats with selective lesions of medial septal cholinergic neurons. 
Hippocampus. PDF

Jodo E, Chiang C, Aston-Jones G (1998)
Potent excitatory influence of prefrontal cortex activity on noradrenergic locus coeruleus neurons.
Neuroscience 83:63-80.

Kitchigina, V. Vankov, A., Harley, C. W. and S. J. Sara (1997)
Novelty-elicited, noradrenaline-dependent enhancement of excitability in the dentate gyrus.
European Journal of Neuroscience 9: 41-47.

Linster, C. and Cleland, T.A. (2002)
Cholinergic modulation of sensory representations in the olfactory system, Neural Networks Special Issue on Computational Models of Neuromodulation, 15(4-6):709-17. 

Linster, C. and Hasselmo, M.E. (2001)
Neuromodulation and the functional dynamics of piriform cortex. Chemical Senses 26(5):585-94.

Linster, C., Garcia, P., Hasselmo, M.E. and Baxter, M. G. (2001)
Selective Loss Of Cholinergic Neurons Projecting To The Olfactory System Increases Perceptual Generalization Between Similar, But Not Dissimilar, Odorants.  
Behavioral Neuroscience 115(4):826-33.

Linster, C., Maloney, M., Patil, M. and Hasselmo, M.E. (2003)
Enhanced cholinergic suppression of previously strengthened synapses enables the formation of self-organized representations in olfactory cortex.
Neurobiol. Learn. Mem. 80(3): 302-314.

Mansour, A.A.H., Babstock, D.M., Penney, J.H., Martin, G.M., McLean, J.H. and C.W. Harley (2003)
Novel objects in the holeboard probe the role of the locus coeruleus in curiosity: Support for two modes of attention in the rat.
Behavioral Neuroscience 117: 621-631.

McAlonan K, Brown VJ, Bowman EM (2000)
Thalamic reticular nucleus activation reflects attentional gating during classical conditioning. Journal of Neuroscience 20 (23): 8897-8901

McGaughy J, Dalley JW, Morrison CH, Everitt BJ and Robbins TW (2002)
Selective behavioral and neurochemical effects of cholinergic lesions produced by intrabasalis infusions of 192 IgG-saporin on attentional performance in a 5-choice serial reaction time task. J Neuroscience 22(5): 1905-1913.

McLean J.H., Harley C.W., Darby-King A . and Q. Yuan (1999)
pCREB in the neonate rat olfactory bulb is selectively and transiently increased by odor preference-conditioned training.
Learning and Memory 6: 608-618.

Mehta, M.A., Owen, A.M., Sahakian, B.J., Mavaddat, N., Pickard, J.D., and Robbins, T.W.  (2000)
Methylphenidate enhances working memory by modulating discrete frontal and parietal lobe regions in the human brain. 
The Jounal of Neuroscience, 20, RC65 1-6.

Mehta, M.A., Sahakian, B.J., McKenna, P.J., and Robbins, T.W.  (1999)
Systemic sulpiride in young adult volunteers simulates the profile of cognitive deficits in Parkinson's disease.
Psychopharmacology. 146, 162-174.

Metherate, R. (2004) Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in sensory cortex.
Learning & Memory 11:50-59. PDF

Neigh-McCandless, G., Arnold, M.H., Rabenstein, R., Sarter, M., & Bruno, J.P. (2004)
Neuronal activity in the nucleus accumbens is necessary for performance-related increases in cortical acetylcholine release.
Neuroscience, 123, 635-645. PDF

Neigh-McCandless, G., Kravitz, B.A., Sarter, M. & Bruno, J.P. (2002)
Stimulation of cortical acetylcholine release following blockade of ionotropic glutamate receptors in nucleus accumbens.
European Journal of Neuroscience, 16, 1259-1266. PDF

Nelson, C.L., Burk, J.A., Bruno, J.P., & Sarter, M. (2002)
Effects of acute and repeated systemic ketamine administration on medial prefrontal acetylcholine release and sustained attention performance in rats.
161, 168-179. PDF

Parent, M. B. and Baxter, M. G. (2004)
Septohippocampal acetylcholine: Involved in but not necessary for learning and memory? 
Learning & Memory. PDF

Passetti F, Dalley JW, O’Connell MT, Everitt BJ and Robbins TW (2000)
Increased acetylcholine release in the rat medial prefrontal cortex during performance of a visual attentional task.
Eur J Neuroscience 12(8): 3051-3058.

Rajkowski J, Majczynski H, Clayton E, Aston-Jones G (in press)
Activation of monkey locus coeruleus neurons varies with difficulty and behavioral performance in a target detection task.
J Neurophysiol.

Robbins TW (2000)
Chemical neuromodulation of frontal-executive function in humans and other animals.
Experimental Brain Research 133: 130-138.

Robbins TW, Mehta M, Sahakian BJ (2000)
Boosting working memory. Science 290, 2275-2276.

Rogers, R.D., Blackshaw, A.J., Middleton, H.C., Matthews, K., Hawtin K. Crowley C, Hopwood A, Wallace C, Deakin, J.F.W., Sahakian, B.J., and Robbins, T.W.  (1999)
Tryptophan depletion impairs stimulus-reward learning while methylphenidate disrupts attentional control in healthy young adults: implications for the monoaminergic basis of impulsive behaviour. 
Psychopharmacology. 146, 482-491.

Sarter, M., & Bruno, J.P. (2002)
Animal models in biological psychiatry.
In H. D’haenen, J.A. den Boer, H. Westenberg, & P. Willner (eds), Textbook of Biological Psychiatry. John Wiley & Sons, in 37-44.

Sarter, M., & Bruno, J.P. (2002)
Mild cognitive impairment and the cholinergic hypothesis: A very different take on recent data.
Annals of Neurology, 52, 384-385. PDF

Sarter, M., & Bruno, J.P. (2002)
The neglected constituent of the basal forebrain corticopetal projection system: GABAergic projections.
European Journal of Neuroscience, 15, 1867-1873 PDF

Sarter, M., & Bruno, J.P. (2004)
Developmental origins of the age-related decline in cortical cholinergic function and in associated cognitive abilities.
Neurobiology of Aging, in press

Sarter, M., & Turchi, J. (2002)
Age- and dementia-associated impairments in divided attention: psychological constructs, animal models, and underlying neuronal mechanisms.
Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders,
13, 46-58. PDF

Sarter, M., Bruno, J.P., & Berntson, G.G. (2001)
Psychotogenic properties of benzodiazepine receptor inverse agonists.
Psychopharmacology, 156, 1-13. PDF

Sarter, M., Givens, B., & Bruno, J.P. (2001)
The cognitive neuroscience of sustained attention: where top-down meets bottom-up.
Brain Research Reviews, 35, 146-160. PDF

Sarter, M., Givens, B., & Bruno, J.P. (2003)
Attentional functions of cortical cholinergic inputs: what does it mean for memory?
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 80, 245-256. PDF

Sarter, M., Nelson, C.L., & Bruno, J.P. (2004)
Cortical cholinergic transmission and cortical information processing following psychostimulant-sensitization: implications for models of schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia Bulletin, in press.

Sarter, N., & Sarter, M. (2003)
Neuroergonomics: opportunities and challenges of merging cognitive neuroscience with cognitive ergonomics.
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 4, 142-150. [Special Issue: Neuroergonomics: Research and Practice. Editor: R. Parasuraman]. Proof

Sarter,M., Givens,B., and Bruno,J.P. (2001)
The cognitive neuroscience of sustained attention: where top-down meets bottom-up.
Brain Res.Brain Res.Rev. 35, 146-160.

Stern CE, Sherman SJ, Kirchhoff BA, Hasselmo ME (2001)
Medial temporal and prefrontal contributions to working memory tasks with novel and familiar stimuli.
Hippocampus 11:337-346.

Swainson, R., Rogers, R.D., Sahakian, B.J., Summers, B.A., Polkey, C.E., and Robbins, T.W.  (2000)
Probabilistic learning and reversal deficits in patients with Parkinson's disease or frontal or temporal lobe lesions: possible adverse effects of dopaminer medication.
Neuropsychologia, 38, 596-612.

Thiel, C.M. (2003)
Cholinergic modulation of learning and memory in the human brain as detected with functional neuroimaging.
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 80: 234-44.

Thiel, C.M., Friston, K.J., Dolan, R.J (2002)
Cholinergic modulation of experience-dependent plasticity in human auditory cortex.
Neuron 35: 567-574.

Thiel,C.M., Bentley,P., and Dolan,R.J. (2002)
Effects of cholinergic enhancement on conditioning-related responses in human auditory cortex.
Eur.J.Neurosci. 16, 2199-2206.

Turchi, J., & Sarter, M. (2001)
Antisense oligonucleotide-induced suppression of basal forebrain NMDA-R1 subunits
selectively impairs visual attentional performance in rats.
European Journal of Neuroscience, 13, 103-117.
PDF [This study was reviewed as a “Highlight” in Nature Review Neuroscience, 2001, 2, page 532; PDF].

Turchi, J., & Sarter, M. (2001)
Bidirectional modulation of basal forebrain NMDA receptor function differentially affects visual attentional but not visual discrimination performance.
Neuroscience, 104, 407-417. PDF

Usher M, Cohen JD, Servan-Schreiber D, Rajkowski J, Aston-Jones G (1999)
The role of locus coeruleus in the regulation of cognitive performance.
Science 283:549-554.

Vale-Martínez, A., Baxter, M. G., and Eichenbaum, H.  (2002)
Selective lesions of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons produce anterograde and retrograde deficits in a social transmission of food preference task in rats. 
European Journal of Neuroscience, 16, 983-998.


Vuckovich, J. A., Semel, M. E., and Baxter, M. G.
Extensive lesions of cholinergic basal forebrain neurons do not impair spatial working memory. 
Learning & Memory. PDF

Walling, S. G. and C.W. Harley (2004)
Locus coeruleus activation initiates delayed synaptic potentiation of perforant path input to the dentate gyrus in awake rats: A novel
b-adrenergic and protein synthesis dependent mammalian plasticity mechanism. Journal of Neuroscience 24: in press.

Weese GD, Phillips JM, Brown VJ (1999)
Attentional orienting is impaired by unilateral lesions of the thalamic reticular nucleus in the rat.
Journal of Neuroscience 19 (22): 10135-10139 

Yu, A.J. and Dayan, P (2003)
Expected and Unexpected Uncertainty: Ach & NE in the Neocortex.
In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 15, MIT Press,
Cambridge, MA

Yuan, Q., Harley, C.W. and J.H. McLean (2003)
Mitral cell
b1 and 5-HT2a  receptor co-localization and cAMP co-regulation: A new model of norepinephrine-induced learning in the olfactory bulb.
Learning and Memory 10:5-15 with Commentary by Sullivan and Wilson and cover illustration of our model.

Yuan, Q., Harley, C.W., Bruce, J.C., Darby-King, A. and J.H. McLean (2000)
Isoproterenol increases CREB phosphorylation and olfactory nerve evoked potentials in normal and 5-HT depleted olfactory bulbs in rat pups only at doses that produce odor preference learning.
Learning and Memory 7: 413-421.

Yuan, Q., Harley, C.W., Darby-King, A., Neve, R.L. and J.H. McLean (2003)
Early odor preference learning in the rat: Bidirectional effects of cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) and mutant CREB support a causal role for phosphorylated CREB.
Journal of Neuroscience 23:4760-4765.

Yuan, Q., Harley, C.W., McLean, J.H. and T. Knopfel (2002)
Optical imaging of odor preference memory in the rat olfactory bulb.
Journal of Neurophysiology 87:3156-3159.
