svGPFA: sparse variational Gaussian Process Factor Analysis
The software, written in Python, is my first distribution of a statistical inference algorithm invented at the Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit. It implements the methodology to estimate latents variables from spike recordings of neural populations described in Duncker and Sahani, 2018 . Go to repository.


Single trial EEG predictions
The software, written in R, implements the methodology for single-trial predictions from EEG recordings described in Rapela et al., 2018 main text and suplementary material. Go to repository.


ePPR: the extended Projection Pursuit Regression algorithm
The software, written in R, implements the ePPR algorithm, as described in Rapela et al. 2010. Go to webpage.
Li Alex Zhang wrote a Julia implmentation of ePPR that can be found here. Thanks Alex!


VRST: the Volterra Relevant Space Technique
The software, written in R, implements the VRST, as described in Rapela et al. 2006. Go to webpage.


Dynamical systems
The following page contains notes, error reports and Python code from my study of dynamical systems using Izhikevich E (2007). Dynamical systems in neuroscience. MIT Press.